- Sing good morning songs
- Read "Sweet Hearts" by Jan Carr
- Make "Love Bug Finger Puppets"
- Go on a letter hunt and match the letters we find.
- Enjoy a sweet Valentine treat :)
- Printable coloring pages
- Make Valentine Pancakes with Maple-Raspberry Sauce
- Cooking with children is always a wonderful bonding experience and loaded with opportunities for children to develop math and reading skills. Here are some great tips.
- Hand print poem
- Play "Pin the Heart on Cupid."
- Play "Find Your Heart Mate." Cut out hearts from construction paper. Cut hearts in half using different angles. Have children find the matches!
- Heart Flashcards I plan on using these for alphabet hide-n-seek games. Write each letter of the alphabet on a heart, hide it around the house, and children match the letters on their alphabet poster. You could also play hide-n-seek numbers using the same idea, or hide the letters of their name!
- Sorting Hearts and Same/different I like to use these types of activities right before or after dinner, when it is helpful (to ME) to have the kids engaged in a quiet activity!
- Valentine's Day Pre-K pack These "Pre-K packs" have great designs and are focused on developmentally appropriate skills (in my opinion) for ages 3-5. Some children enjoy this type of "school work" as my daughter calls it. MY word of caution: I think these types of work pages should be done with a fun and pressure free attitude. Some children might not be ready, or they might not enjoy it. If they are pushed to complete them, then the opportunity for learning is lost.
Have fun using your imaginations and PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!
Check out this article from NPR on the importance of old-fashioned play. Google "importance of play" and you'll find some great articles. Happy reading!
Great ideas and tips! Thanks for including all the links to everything!