Monday, April 2, 2012


On Tuesday, April 3 we will:
  • Read "Knuffle Bunny" by Mo Willems.
  • Play "Knuffle Bunny Freeze Dance."
  • Sing Hop Little Bunnies (from Everything Preschool)
    Verse 1:
    Have your children pretend to sleep while you sing.See those little bunnies sleeping, until its nearly noon,
    Let us gently waken them, with our merry tune,
    oh how still, are they ill, wake up soon,

    Verse 2:
    Have your children wake up and jump and clap while singingHop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop
    Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop
    Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop
    Hop little bunnies, and stop.
  • Finger play/song: Little Bunny Foo Foo
  • Make Yarn bunnies and paper bag goons.

Ideas for Home:

  • We love all the Knuffle Bunny stories! Check out Mo Willems website for some fun activities!
  • I found the site PreKinders, which has a lot of great ideas for preschool age children. I really liked the math games, but there is other great ideas too!
  • Easter Crafts from Kaboose (a Disney website)

"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt." 

~Margaret Atwood


  1. Heartworks website:

  2. Awesome book, activities, ideas, etc.! We had a great time at Discovery Hour! Thanks again!
