On Tuesday, May 1 we will:
- Read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle.
- Read Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton.
- Review the signs for colors (American Sign Language)
- Complete a color sorting/craft activity.
- Go outside to find colors in nature, and maybe bring some nature back to add to our craft!
- Sing a song of shapes.
Ideas for home:
- Always point out colors when interacting with children, especially younger children who are still learning their colors.
- Have fun mixing small containers of colored water. Let children experiment with mixing and making new colors.
- We love sorting bears at our house, we have these ones. I like this set because it has bears in 3 sizes/weights and 6 colors. There are numerous activities that for these bears to practice colors, counting, and sorting skills.
- I feel that it is important to point out beauty that we see in nature, music, art, architecture, and the kindness of people. A sunset, mountain or ocean view, a flower growing, a song, a painting, a photograph, sharing, giving and kindness are all things that can be beautiful and evoke feelings within us. Children are bombarded with images at such a young age that it can be confusing to understand what "beauty" is. They need to know that it is more than the images that they see in advertisements and other media. They need to know that beauty lies within them and they need to know that we see it too.
- From thefreedictionary.com:
beauty [ˈbjuːtɪ n pl -ties1. the combination of all the qualities of a person or thing that delight the senses and please the mind2. a very attractive and well-formed girl or woman3. Informal an outstanding example of its kind the horse is a beauty4. Informal an advantageous feature one beauty of the job is the short hours
- Pick a color for each day of the week. For that color each day dress in that color, plan a meal around that color, find it in the house or while out and about, find it in nature. Just have fun with it!
- Play Candy Land! :)
- Sing: Find the Color
(Tune: The Muffin Man)Sing the following song and let children point to a (color) item:Oh, can you find the color (blue),
The color blue, the color (blue)?
Oh, can you find the color (blue),
Somewhere in this room?"Colors"~Shel Silverstein,
Pinkish yellowish white.
My eyes are greyish blueish green,
But I'm told they look orange in the night.
My hair is reddish blondish brown,
But it's silver when it's wet.
And all the colors I am inside
Have not been invented yet.