On Tuesday, May 22 we will:
- Read Fancy Nancy by Jane O'Connor.
- Discuss how Nancy expressed herself by being fancy, how do you express yourself? What are things that you enjoy? What is something you wish others would understand or do?
- Have a "Fancy and Stupendous Tea Party."
- We will enjoy some chamomile or berry tea sweetened with honey, and other fancy treats.
- Talk about the fancy words from the story. What other fancy words can we come up with?
- Get as fancy as we can! I will bring our dress up box (which is overflowing) and we will have some fancy free play!
Please feel free to come dressed in your fanciest. Try to include as many colors as you can!
Ideas For Home:
- Spend a whole day or week being fancy! Start by reading some Fancy Nancy stories and then make a list of all the things you could do. Such as a tea party, meals, decorating, and clothing.
- Keep a word list going of the fancy words you use. Older children can be introduced to a dictionary and thesaurus.
- Make your own fancy pens like Nancy, for children to practice writing their names on own stories.
- Here is a family who enjoyed a week with Fancy Nancy.
- Have parfaits, fancy for yogurt or ice cream sundaes.