Wednesday, December 26, 2012

No Class December 27th

There will be no Discovery Hour tomorrow, Thursday, December 27 due to the large amount of snow that will be falling.

Some ideas for snow day activities indoors and out:

  • In Lieu of Preschool
  • Home Made Simple
  • Traditional snow day activities:
    • Bake or cook a special meal.
    • Dress up fancy for a tea party or for dinner.
    • Have a book picnic: Spread comfy blankets and pillows on the floor and devour some of your favorite books.
    • Hot chocolate after playing out in the snow.
    • Make phone calls to family members you don't see often.
    • Dance party.
    • Do 1 minute clean ups. Put on a timer and see how fast you can dust, mop, or pick up toys. My kids like doing this, we get really loud and silly!
    • Spray bottles with colored water to make art in the snow.
    • Winter scavenger hunt in the snow.
    • Pick a tree outside (one that can be easily seen from a window) to decorate for the birds that stick around for the winter. String popcorn or roll pine-cones in peanut butter and bird seed and decorate a tree or spot. Then come inside and make hot chocolate to enjoy while you sit by the window to see if any birds come.

Enjoy the beautiful snow!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Feel the Music

On Thursday, December 20 we will:

  • Introduce a new greeting song:
    • Tune: "The Farmer In The Dell"
    • Mary's here today, Mary's here today.
    • Let's all clap our hands and say.
    • Hip, hip hurray!
  • Have some rhythm stick fun and sing our ABC's.
  • Use a felt board and sing "Old McDonald had a farm."
  • Sing "In a Cabin In The Woods."
    Tune: "Up On The House Top"

    Now is the time to say goodbye.
    My how fast the time did fly.
    Our day is done, so we must say,
    "Goodbye, goodbye for today".
    Ho, Ho, Ho - time to go.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fun and Learning with Magnets

On Thursday, December 6 we will:

  • Play with magnets! As we are playing, we'll talk about what is happening: "What is happening? What do you notice? Why do you think that happens? What happens if we do this?" and lots more open ended questions that might lead to some discoveries of scientific principles!
  • Then we will take turns running a large magnet through some sand that has small magnets hidden in it. Then we'll talk about gratefulness. The sand represents our day or life, and the large magnet represents a thankful heart. We'll continue a conversation on how gratitude works like a magnet and draws more good to us. 
    • It is much easier to see all our blessings or things to be grateful for when we remain positive and thankful!
      • Then we find even MORE to be thankful for!!!!