At Discovery Hour we will:
- Get our muscles ready for play by doing some gentle stretching
- Play musical hula hoops
- Scarf dancing
- Animal Play
- You need a large sheet of newspaper print to cover a table, and any music. Allow the children to walk around the table with marker or crayon in hand, making movements on the paper to the beat of the music. Vary types of music, or play a stop and go "freeze" game. Combines art, music and movement together. Ask children to draw what the music sounds like!
- Bean Bag or stuffed animal balance: Have children follow your directions to carry thier bag/animal a certain way (on their heads, back or feet); throw the bag/animal with their feet, elbows, head; jump with the bag/animal balanced on head, shoulders, back.
- Create an obstacle course using pillows, furniture, toys, stuffed animals and take turns being the leader through the course.
- Pretend to be different animals and sing the following song to the tune of London Bridges:We are hopping, hopping frogs,
Hopping frogs, hopping frogs.
We are hopping, hopping frogs,
Let children choose what animals to be, maybe galloping horses, jumping kangaroos, flying birds, swimming fish...
Have fun playing and moving with your children!
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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