Monday, March 26, 2012

Inspiration From Nature

On Tuesday, March 27 we will:
  • Go on a letter hunt and match the letters we find on the alphabet playmat.
  • Take turns "hopping the alphabet."
  • Go outside (if weather cooperates) and collect items from nature to be used for making a collage: pebbles, dirt, acorns, twigs, leaves, pine needles.
  • Create "nature collages!"
Ideas for home:
  • Kids enjoy collecting things outside. Use the materials they collect for:
    • sorting activities: put out small containers, bowls, plates and have children sort what they have found into groups by color, texture, size, weight, whatever they can think of.
    • Counting activities: We recently came home with a carriage full on tiny pine cones. I plan on using these to practice counting. Use paper or index cards to write numbers on and have children count their items to match the numbers.
    • Make a collage.
    • Write their name with glue and have children stick nature's materials to the glue.
  • Practice letter writing in the mud or sand using sticks. If children are not ready for letters, just practice making lines, circles and X's, which is great preparation for writing.
  • Visit a garden center or nursery and explore the colors and smells. Point out all the different colors, or have children point them out. What smells do you notice? How many petals or leaves are there on a plant? How do the plants get what they need to grow?
  • Use collected rocks or pine cones to create creatures using googly eyes, leaves, twigs, etc. Idea from Disney family Fun.
  • Find more nature inspired crafts here.
  • Check your local library for plant or flower guides and see what you an identify in your own backyard.
Most importantly: Play outside with your children! Just let go of everything (I know it's easier said then done, but try it!) and let your children lead you. It will bring you closer and I bet you will even learn something!!

"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." Aristotle


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